KIproBatt: Intelligent battery cell manufacturing with AI-supported process monitoring based on a generic system architecture

Battery production and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) methods are two key technologies for Germany and Europe as well. For the production of battery cells, an increase in productivity is necessary, among other things. This can be increased by reducing scrap, material and energy use. By digitizing production and using AI-based methods, this productivity can be significantly increased.
The KIproBatt project aims to expand the existing battery cell production at Fraunhofer ISC with AI-supported process monitoring based on a generic system architecture in order to validate possible applications of AI. The system architecture is composed of sensors on the production line, information transmission and structured data and knowledge acquisition in a central web-based data room. Within this data room and a cloud workflow environment connected to it, the project partners work together on AI methods, simulation models and data evaluation. Models of the individual manufacturing steps are applied in the sense of a holistic manufacturing process view for intelligent end-to-end process monitoring and analyzed with regard to their suitability in the application context of battery cell production. The project is connected to the „research fab battery cell“.