ReUse - Revolutionizing low-value LFP battery waste recycling

Efficient direct recycling for low-value LFP battery for circular and sustainable waste management
ReUse will research and develop novel processes for the direct recycling of LFP-based LiBs and their production waste. The recycling concept will be widely applicable to upcoming and future low-cost battery technologies. The ambition of the consortium is to develop sustainable, low-energy and scalable processes, which can guarantee high recycling efficiencies and a high purity of the recovered materials allowing the target values of the new Batteries Regulation proposed by the EU Commission to be met.
With a focus on maximizing material recovery, energy efficiency and purity, ReUse will develop a robust, flexible, and sustainable direct recycling process for waste streams of varying composition and quality. The goal is to enhance the global competitiveness of the European battery ecosystem, aligning with the European Strategic Plan for a clean and sustainable transition towards climate neutrality. Building on the BATTERY 2030+ Roadmap and the European Partnership on Batteries, ReUse aims to contribute to the policy needs of the European Green Deal and efficient recycling technologies.
The ReUse project is coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC. The Institute and its R&D Center for Electromobility are responsible for the development of direct recycling technologies for the LFP market. This includes the separation and recovery of battery components and materials in the most functional and environmentally friendly way possible. The Fraunhofer ISC is therefore focusing on an automated solution for the fast and safe dismantling of batteries, which is being developed and validated using LFP batteries. The aim is to overcome an important hurdle for the economic implementation of direct battery recycling.