The Fraunhofer R&D Center for Electromobility Bavaria is your partner for the development, testing, and optimization of materials, components, and processes for batteries.

We offer R&D services for lithium-ion (LIB), sodium-ion (SIB) and solid state battery (SSB) technologies, battery recycling, modern lead-acid batteries, as well as electrochromic systems. With a track record of more than 20 years and an interdisciplinary team of more than 35 experts we are one of the largest battery research groups in Germany.

We provide the right solutions for customers from various industries, e. g. battery cell manufacturers, cell users as well as chemical and materials companies:

  • Development of materials and components for customer-specific battery systems
  • Customized process development
  • Development of electrochromic materials and devices
  • Analytical, testing and characterization services
  • Battery manufacturing for cell prototypes and small batches
  • Consulting services
  • Feasibility studies
  • National/International R&D collaborations

The Center supports your material and component development from first proof of concept up to market launch.


"We provide solutions for present and future batteries, powered by human experts, autonomous robots and specialized test devices. We dedicate our efforts to our partners, customers and the society."


Our Core Competencies



  • Battery material evaluation
  • Surface coating and treatment
  • Materials and components for lithium-ion, sodium-ion, solid-state and lead-acid batteries


  • Roll-to-roll coating and lamination
    (under inert atmosphere)
  • Semi-automized electrode and cell manufacturing
  • Solid-state cell concepts

Testing / Analytics

  • Battery cell / module testing
  • Temperature-controlled ageing
  • Sensor development
  • Tear-down analysis


  • Recyclability and design for recycling
  • Direct recycling processes
  • Materials regeneration
    and refunctionalization

Electrochromic Systems

  • Organic and inorganic thin film materials
  • Process development and automation
  • Cell assembly
  • Cycling / durability testing


  • Hands-on battery workshops for industry and academia
  • Customer-specific seminars and tutorials
  • Bachelor / Master / PhD thesis
  • Internships for students


  • Semantic layer for research and production
  • Ontology, data model and infrastructure
  • Lab and data pipeline automation 
  • Hybrid AI accelerated materials research


  • National
  • EU
  • Industry

News and Events


The "funky" side of solid-state battery development

The FUNCY-SSB project consortium aims to overcome the challenges of stability in solid-state batteries (SSBs).

Scientific publication

Investigation of Acoustic Attenuation

and Resonances in Lithium-Ion Batteries using Ultrasound Spectroscopy

Sustainable Battery Manufacturing in Sight

Successful Completion of the BMBF-Funded Project IDcycLIB

The REWIND project: A leap into the future for battery recycling

Significantly improve the recyclability of batteries in order to increase resource efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.


Project "SOLIDBAT"

The European project SOLIDBAT aims to develop high-energy solid-state batteries for automotive applications, focusing on sustainability, safety, and scalable production to support climate-neutral transportation.

Scientific publication

Factors Impacting the Photostability

of a Roll-to-Roll Processed PEDOT Derivative for Flexible Electrochromic Devices

Launch of New EU Project “INERRANT”

Revolutionising Lithium-ion Battery Technology for Enhanced Safety

Flexible, safe and efficient recycling of Li-on batteries

The EU project "RESPECT" aims to enable an environmentally friendly recycling process for lithium-ion batteries.

Press Release 03.2024

Project "ReUse"

Efficient direct recycling for low-value lithium-ion battery waste stream