Abstract Submission

Conference on Battery Direct Recycling 2026

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Abstract submission

By submitting your abstract title and your contact data, you will recieve an OwnCloud upload link for your abstract pdf document. 
Please fill in the mandatory field.

Title of the poster/oral presentation as to be published

Title of the poster/oral presentation as to be published

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Please fill in the main author's last name/surname.

Please fill in the main author's last name/surname.

Please complete this mandatory field.

Please fill in the main author's given name.

Please fill in the main author's given name.

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Please fill in the mandatory field.

Please, select the session for your abstract. If you have a specific topic that fits not with the suggested sessions, please choose "other" and note the topic on your abstract.
SP=Poster, S1=Policy and Market, S2=Direct Recycling Methods and Processes, S3=Sustainability and Digitalization, S4=Design for Circularity, Other

Please, select the session for your abstract. If you have a specific topic that fits not with the suggested sessions, please choose "other" and note the topic on your abstract.
SP=Poster, S1=Policy and Market, S2=Direct Recycling Methods and Processes, S3=Sustainability and Digitalization, S4=Design for Circularity, Other

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Please fill in the mandatory field.

Official name of the company / university (chair) / institution

Official name of the company / university (chair) / institution

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Please fill in the correct information about the co-autor(s) as to be mentioned in the proceedings; if multiple authors, please use semicolon.

Please fill in the correct information about the co-autor(s) as to be mentioned in the proceedings; if multiple authors, please use semicolon.

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The authors give permission to publish the abstract in the proceedings of the DRC 2026

The authors give permission to publish the abstract in the proceedings of the DRC 2026

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This field is mandatory for your participation.

Please, check the general terms and condition as provided on the conference website

Please, check the general terms and condition as provided on the conference website